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The More I Try to Save Her...the

Smaller Her Cell Becomes


linocut, woodcut, screenprint on paper and fabric; glitter, pins, colored pencil, pastel, glue


© Copyright 2012 Kathryn Cellerini Moore



detail, #6
The More I Try #6
The More I Try #3
The More I Try #2
The More I Try #5
The More I Try #4

The series of mixed-media prints, The more I try to save her… the smaller her cell becomes, attempts to describe complex interactions between my mom, who has long battled alcoholism, and I. These collections of screenprints, woodcut prints, and linoleum prints were assembled, cut, collaged, drawn upon, and torn during a three month period of emotional, long-distance phone conversations we shared.

The act of cutting the prints reflects directly upon my (sometimes) seemingly futile attempts to save my mom. Each piece in the series is a map of mom’s psyche, and the removal of material (pain, baggage) becomes a metaphor for assisting and enabling. My hope while making this work was not to dwell but to eventually transcend my own stubborn ruminations through making beautiful imagery.

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